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Day’s Eyes

May 1, 2010
08:18 AM

Days Eyes.jpg

Happy Birthday Síle.


  1. Petra

    on May 1, 2010

    Dear Sile
    Heute kann es regnen, stürmen oder schnei’n
    Denn du strahlst ja selber wie der Sonnenschein
    Heut ist dein Geburtstag, darum feiern wir
    Alle deine Freunde freuen sich mit dir
    Alle deine Freunde freuen sich mit dir!
    Wie schön, dass du geboren bist
    Wir hätten dich sonst sehr vermisst
    Wie schön, dass wir beisammen sind
    Wir gratulieren dir Geburtstagskind!
    A big bunch of health and happiness with lots of joy and gentle sunshine for good measure – I’ll drink to that tonight!
    Love from Petra in Münster, Germany

  2. PanaDoll

    on May 1, 2010

    On this day in 1928, the novelist Virginia Woolf wrote to her sister Vanessa: “We are down here for the weekend. It is suddenly full summer; everything is out; the garden blazing with lilac, apple, pear blossom and every flower you can imagine; and the country is far far far away better than Cassis. Really, the downs are astonishing at this moment……..Undoubtedly, this country is doomed; but where to go next, I don’t know. […] Won’t you migrate to a little terrain somewhere between Tarascon and Uzès, which seemed infinitely lovely, and entirely French, and one had asparagus and truffles, which is my favorite food, for about sixpence? That’s my notion of bliss.”

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef