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The Beach at Tramore

May 18, 2011
10:22 AM

Tramore beach Cropped Two.jpg

While browsing in my picture files last week I found this picture taken in November of 2007 . My memory was that Síle suggested that the couple with the dog provided a good photo opportunity and I dutifully snapped them.
A dual effort obviously but a successful one.

I stuck it onto my Facebook page and then noticed that -of course- it has The Metalman in the background (the rearmost of the three towers on the cliff )

Metal Man Richards.jpg

This in turn led me to one of my favourite pictures which we bought sometime in the early nineties .

It is painted by a friend and customer of the Dwyers Restaurant, Celia Richards.
This is again of Tramore beach but this time pointing eastwards on to Brownstown head where there are two similar towers but no Metalman.
Apparently after the Seahorse blundered fatally into Tramore beach in 1816 , thinking that it was going into Waterford Harbour , and all 350 passengers and crew were drowned , Lloyds of London paid to get these towers erected as a warning to ships not to enter.


  1. Jedrzej

    on May 19, 2011

    So many things I learn about Ireland from you, Martin.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef