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Lost in Translation Sixty Nine

June 8, 2011
07:54 AM

We dropped into Beziers Cathedral yesterday with Ano and Dee who are staying with us.
There was a woman at the organ and a few stately bars were played.
It sounded like Bach but rather more familiar.
Then as we were wandering around the nave the organist started up again.
This time there was no mistaking the tune it was a stately and slow version of the most hackneyed Itish Jig: The Irish Washerwoman (the Dubliners do a version here)

There was a sudden but supressed desire to shatter the peace of the cathedral isle by throwing the legs into the air a-la-Riverdance.


  1. Rita

    on June 8, 2011

    Still remember the words but do the feet work?

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef