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Chez Nous

September 18, 2011
09:19 AM

Woke up this morning to a wonderful feeling of freedom .
For the first time in six weeks we have the house completely to ourselves, no-one for breakfast, no-one for dinner, no-one to talk to (we’re happy on the shelf. )

I love having company (and a lot of that time it has been friends and family staying ) but nothing expands the house like emptiness.

Before we headed off to a Vide Grenier in Bessan (another luxury of solitude) I decided to lock all windows against a forcast thunder storm.
As I did , moving from one room to another, I realised that at heart I still cannot believe that it is true, that we own and live in this huge beautiful house in the South of France , any minute now I just may wake up.


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef