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Counting Calories

February 9, 2015
08:01 AM

It is a strange old world.
Last Friday was one of my 5;2 fasting days so, instead of taking and using one of the recipes which was in The Fast Diet book, and pre calorie counted,I decided I would weigh, measure and calorie count the ingredients for a Prawn Stir Fry myself, I mean I am a chef, how difficult could this be ?

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The answer is very difficult indeed.it was 45 minutes later before I had assembled ( blanched, topped and tailed, shelled and shredded as necessary) my ingredients and had my perfect calorie counted mise-en-place on a chopping board ready for the off.

This made me think that this process, one way or the other, was going to have to be performed by Irish chefs before they served any meal to comply with the new legislation.
So then I did an act of pure heroism, even though ravening with the hunger (this 340 calorie repast was my main meal of the day and it was just approaching 6.00 which was my designated dinner time) I photographed my dinner and wrote a piece for face book informing all my chef friends to tell the world how incredibly time consuming this legislation was going to be.
I confess that I was hungry so my words may have contained a little extra sharpness against the powers-that-be ( I also confess that being out of the country and away from the possibility of dawn raids by regengful Environmental.Health Inspectors gave me extra courage)

The result has been, to me, astonishing. 26 comments is not exceptional but 100 likes is and 87 shares is positively amounting to viral from my personal experience.
I seem to have struck a chord and hopefully contributed to the inevitable downfall of this assinine piece of legislation.
Bon Appetit a tous !


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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef