1 lb.White Crab Meat
4 oz. Butter
4 oz. Fresh Bread crumbs
Juice Half Lemon
2 tbs. White Wine Vinegar
pinch Salt
Generous grinding Black Pepper
2 heaped Tablespoons Home made Mayonnaise.
Sprinkle the crabmeat into a stainless steel bowl, a few ounces at a time.
Shake it around gently, if there is any shell you will soon hear the tell tale chink as the shell rubs against the side of the bowl.
Search dilligently for the (sometimes minute) piece of crab and remove.
In this way go through the whole pound. (Sometimes you will be lucky and not find any)
Melt the 4 oz. butter and stir that into the crabmeat.
Add the bread crumbs, the lemon, the vinegar and the salt and pepper and stir gently together being careful not to break up the crab too much.
Put this into the fridge for an hour or more to set the butter.
Now fold in gently the mayonnaise.
This is now ready to eat, just as it is or with hot toasted brown bread.