6 Large Eggs
2 Large Potatoes
1 Large Onion
225g (8 oz.) Streaky Rashers
110g (4 oz.) Mature Cheddar
60g (2 oz.) Butter
Peel the potatoes and cut them into small dice. Rinse under cold water and dry in a tea towel.
Melt half of the butter in a large non-stick pan.Fry the potato at a high heat turning all the time until they brown on all sides. Continue cooking for 3 to 4 mts. until cooked in the middle.Take these out and put to one side. (At this stage you may want to clean out the pan with some paper towel).
Chop the rashers and fry briskly until they get brown and crisp, take these out and put with the potatoes.
Chop the Onion into small dice and fry gently in the other half of butter until soft, then add to the potato and bacon.
At this stage put the grill on to full.
Separate the eggs and then beat the whites until they are in soft peaks.
Grate the cheddar coarsely into the bacon mix, beat the yolks lightly together and stir into this .Tip this into a large bowl and put the whipped whites on top.Using a large metal spoon fold these two carefully together.
Put the frying pan back on the heat and (if it looks dry) melt a little more butter on it.Let it get very hot and then tip in the egg mixture. Let this fry on high until it starts to brown on the bottom.(Lift a corner up with a fish slice to check.)
Put the pan under the grill and grill until it browns and puffs up ( but let it still retain a little runniness in the centre)
Cut it into 4 slices like a cake and serve immediately.