(Will give you about 36 little biscuits)
200g (7 oz.) Ground Almonds
200g (7 oz.) Caster Sugar
2 Egg Whites
Some Pistachios or split Almonds to garnish.
Mix the sugar and almonds well together.
Add in the egg whites and mix to a stiff dough.
Set the oven to Gas 4, 175C, 350F.
Line two baking sheets with non-stick paper.
(I find if you sprinkle a little water on the baking sheet it helps to get the paper to lie down flat and then it is easier to work)
With dampened hands (or 2 teaspoons) make walnut sized balls of the dough and lay these out in rows (not too close) on the sheets.
Press a Pistachio, or a half Almond into each one.
Bake these at the set temperature for about 15 mts or until nicely browned.
Take off the paper gently (they will still be soft) and leave to cool and crispen on a wire rack.
Very simply made these are excellent served with ice cream and posh enough to serve as petits fours with coffee .