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Monkfish wrapped in Bacon with Tomato Chilli Sauce

4 x 225g (8 oz.) Fillets of Monkfish
12 Rashers of streaky Bacon

Tomato Sauce:

1 small onion finely chopped
2 cloves of Garlic chopped
225g (1 lb) Ripe Tomatoes
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 teaspoon White Wine Vinegar
½ red Chilli finely chopped
1 teaspoon sugar

Trim and skin the fillets of Monkfish
Put the rashers out on a board and trim off the rinds and bones.
Stretch these as thinly as possible using the back of a knife.
Wrap 2-3 rashers tightly around each fillet of monk.
Heat the oven to 220 C. 440 F. Gas 9
Cook the onions and garlic gently in the olive oil until soft and translucent.Add the chilli.
Chop the tomatoes roughly and add to the pan.
Increase the heat and add the other sauce ingredients.
Cook together until they become a thick sauce.
Lightly oil a roasting dish and put in the wrapped monkfish.
Roast for 15 to 20 mts. until the rashers are crispy and the
Monkfish cooked through [cut into one to check] Carve the monkfish to serve and put a spoonful of sauce on the side.

November 5, 2007 12:27 PM

All Recipes
  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef