Yesterday at a Vide Grenier in Pouzolles I saw this little carved wooden horse.
He is quite crude but I thought very pretty.
When I asked the man at the stall how much he shrugged, and looked at me with raised eyebrows; thereby placing the ball firmly in my court.
I said €20 and he immediately agreed (that probably meant he would have accepted €10)
But then he told me a little of its story.
“It is a Bergère’s piece ” he said.
He then told me that traditionally the sheep were raised in the mountains during the summer and the shepherds used to have to leave their families in the valleys for long periods and go and mind their sheep.
While there they often used to carve pieces for their families.
Somehow my little horse seemed very precious, just by knowing a little of its history.
It is of course intended for the grandson to play on, but only while visiting us in France