We bought the chairs in Ikea because they were, for the money by far the best around.
The Ikea choice of covers however was not going to agree with our simple decoration scheme, either they were too chintzy or the wrong colour altogether.
We picked the plain white covers knowing that we would probably have to dye them.
And so it came to pass.
After a couple of weeks the white started to show its age.
We found an olive green dye in the local Brico shop and Síle dyed three in the washing machine.
They were perfect.
But of course M. Bricoman had only that one packet of olive green so we had to go to the far larger Castorama to find some more.
We did notice there was a slight difference in the packet but Síle carried on and our second three came out of the washing machine streaky and unusable.
Undaunted Síle headed again into Castorama where she bought some dye removal and some black dye.
So we are now quite pleased with our mismatched set of chairs, three olive green, three black and four still (but for how long!) white.