
Overblogging November

November 10, 2008
12:23 PM

I normally manage about 20 blogs a month but, feeling that things were getting a little out of hand this month , I went and did a count.

I am shocked and bemused to see that today, the 10th, I have already posted 20 , that is two + a day (+ because this will be the 21st)
That is about three times my monthly average.
What is happening!
Is it the lead in the Waterford water making me hyper, or the lack of alcohol making me creative ?
It appears I will have to keep an eye on myself.

Obamas Speech

November 10, 2008
11:26 AM

I am a great fan of Obama but I had decided that his moment of election and the overflowing joy that that projected on America must be his crowning glory and that everything after that was going to be downhill.

That may well turn out to be true but his first action after election , his victory speech was a work of genius.

I am delighted to see these thoughts seconded by the brilliant linguist, academic and author David Crystal in his blog here.

Crystal analyses the speech line by line in an entirely academic way and reckons that it will prove to be;
“one of the great political speeches of our time”.

It would be wonderful to hope that, with all his other obvious attributes, Obama would turn out to be an international statesman of brilliance.

That would be a tremendous gift to the world.

Japanese Maple

November 10, 2008
09:00 AM

In Glasnevin Botanic Gardens yeaterday.


Starburst Wallpaper

November 9, 2008
23:10 PM

Autumn Acer leaves on the tarmac in the Botanic Gardens Glasnevin this morning.


Una’s Birthday

November 9, 2008
17:54 PM

My sister-in-law Una achieved a certain significant birthday recently.
To celebrate she had a party in Dobbins Restaurant last night.

As you may already have guessed the God Of Doggerel wasn’t going to leave this occasion unsung.

He struck again, here is the result;

Poem for Una

It is now near thirty seven years since I first met the lovely Una
She looked a treat from her twinkling feet to the turquoise of her guna.

Twas on Casla bay on an April day she arrived with her sister Sile
(And her cousin Winifred (with her friend,) and a bottle of Tequila.)

From Ivydene down to St Beauzille and from Reykjavik to Poona
You could never find a young one as fine as the sister-in-law Una

Well I fed them well, on that fatal day as has always been my habit
And I let them sip of the mountain dew, and on wild connemara rabbit

I was not to know that from that day forth (Twas a day at least she tarried)
That within a year and a sixmonth thence to her sister I’d be married.

From Ivydene down to St Beauzille and from Reykjavik to Poona
You could never find a young one as fine as the sister-in-law Una

Oh our wedding day she organised, making cakes and the bridesmaids dresses
And she kept us free of the small details and aloof from all the stresses

Oh she organised our wedding day, like an expert choreographer
And to keep things neat she finished off by marrying the photographer

From Ivydene down to St Beauzille and from Reykjavik to Poona
You could never find a young one as fine as the sister-in-law Una

For the first few years of our married life sure we all moved in together
Twas Ivydene in Ailsbury Park that kept us from the weather

We were a floating crowd in Ivydene, the population never static.
Sometimes Brian and Nick sometimes Clive and Sue with Doreen above in the attic.

From Ivydene down to St Beauzille and from Reykjavik to Poona
You could never find a young one as fine as the sister-in-law Una

But time moves on as we older got and the time arrived for partin’
So Una moved to Southampton town on the arm of another Martin

Oh Young Doctor Lyes came down from the skies and he swept her off her standing
He was young and blond and had a PhD but he loved her notwithstanding

From Ivydene down to St Beauzille and from Reykjavik to Poona
You could never find a young one as fine as the sister-in-law Una

And the years passed on as they surely will and we moved to our separate quarters
But we all remained the very best of friends (and kept busy producing daughters.)

And we headed down to the south of France, all 10 (once they quitted school,)
Searching for Sun, for food, for wine, and for barbecued food by the pool

From Ivydene down to St Beauzille and from Reykjavik to Poona
You could never find a young one as fine as the sister-in-law Una

But now the years are racing by I can’t believe just how old we are getting
Far we are now from the our growing pains, far from sin and from heavy petting

Then I look down on my sister in law, full of youth, full of life and hunger
Twould be hard to believe she’s the age she is , if I wasn’t five months younger.

From Ivydene down to St Beauzille and from Reykjavik to Poona
You could never find a young one as fine as the sister-in-law Una

1 comment.


November 8, 2008
09:47 AM

Okay, seven or eight years ago when they started phishing spams for bank account details I was confused.
The give away was that I usually didn’t have an account in the bank anyway.
The amazing thing is that they are still going and they are getting worse and worse.

It is obvious that someone somewhere must be sending their details to these phishers of account details.

There follows one that came in to me this morning.

It is riddled with misspellings and grammatical mistakes and strange use of apostrophes.

We recently determined that various computers connect
on your account Lloyds, Password and of multiples checs taient
present before connection. We now need assure you again
information of your Lloyds account. If this n’ d’ is not completed;
here on November 10, 2008, we will be constrained to suspend
your account indefinitely, Because it can have uses d’ fraudulent
ends. We thank you for your comprehention in this manner.
To confirm your online banking of the files,
click on the following bond:
>>> Click Here <<< Thank you for your patience. Lloyds service customers. S' you like it do not answer has this e-mail because c' is only one notification. Email to send has this address cannot be answered. 1999-2008 Lloyds. All rights reserved

I am begining to think that anyone who is conned by this deserves what they get.

However the real moment of suspended disbelief should arrive when you see the return address of the “bank”

They really went to a lot of trouble to name a site to fool us.
It is lloyds@alice.it


Beach on the River Orb

November 7, 2008
04:16 AM

This looks like a super beach so I’m going to keep its location secret until we have had a good go off it.
Colm and I found it in September so we may well find it gets packed in the summer.

The Boy Willy

November 6, 2008
09:15 AM

We had another re-union of workers of Dwyers Restaurant last night.
Even though the restaurant has now been closed since in June in 2004
we all still feel part of the same family and as soon as we sit down to table
the old slagging, the old memories make it feel like we were working
together only last week.

Declan Coughlan, chef and father of two boys, announced that his wife
Annette had started labour on the third child before he left home.
Annette is a nurse and a woman of wonderful calm who is used to running
the busy A&E section in Waterford’s Regional Hospital.
“Go on off and enjoy yourself” she said to Declan,
“I’ll call you when I need you”

We had a terrific night in Waterford’s Bodega, great food served with charm
by a talented young staff.
I think I was more anxious than Declan, telling him to check his phone every half hour or so.

We did let him in to the secret of Genetic Sexual Heredity as explained by
our friend Isabel.
Her theory is that some men are endowed with either Boy Willies
or Girl Willies, and these men have only single sex families.

This is a difficult one to prove but a random sample of the men around the
table proved her correct.
Pat, our waiter, has only girls, I am the father of three girls and young
Declan had, up to that moment, two boys.
I had to break the news to him there and then that the imminent arrival was
a boy.

At around 11.00, considerately, just as Declan had finished the last of
his coffee, the phone finally rang and Annette (very calmly) suggested
that the time had come for Declan’s return.

He rang me at 8.00 this morning and, I’m afraid that Isabel’s Great
Scientific Theory has been proved conclusively correct.
His first words to me were “Martin, she’s right I have a Boy Willy”
Connor Coughlan, the third son, had arrived in the early hours of the morning.

Welcome Connor and may you have a great life.

(But it will be interesting to conjecture whether these willies are hereditary)



November 5, 2008
09:43 AM

Suddenly November doesn’t seem quite so grim.


The Kyle Spring

November 4, 2008
21:16 PM

The holy spring rising at St Berrihert’s Kyle


1 166 167 168 169 170 252
  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef