
Global Village

June 21, 2007
08:23 AM

I still find it difficult to encompass the universality of the internet.
I suppose I am too ancient to understand easily that five seconds after I put up a blog or a recipe that someone in New Zealand, should they want, can have read it.
I am still foolishly excited when I get a comment from a stranger in New York, or even from someone from Limerick for God’s sake.
I have had a web page for years now (thanks daughter Caitriona) and should be used to it, but it still amazes me when complete strangers have information about me which they have picked up from the internet.
One night in the restaurant an American lady arrived in to eat with an American crossword book, “I saw on your page that you liked crosswords so I brought one for you”
Then there was the time we were sitting around the table in a Chambre d’Hôte in the Loire , chatting to the hostess when she said, “then of course I was married the same year as you”.
We had booked the room on the internet and my address is also the address of my site,
She had been nosey about us and looked us up!
There was the time I made up an Irish version of Huevos Rancheros
which I called Ranchhouse Eggs and a lady from Arizona kindly told me she thought my version was an improvement.!

So Hi to two new friends, one from New York and one from Limerick both of whom have excellent foodie sites.
Thanks for the contact lads!

We Won!

June 19, 2007
21:22 PM

About six weeks ago I was interviewed by Angeala Flannery, from Corrigan Knows Food ,about the dishes I had designed for the Ardkeen Stores in Waterford.
This programme was aired on RTE 1 tonight.
After the interview she headed out into the streets in Waterford with three fish pies, The Ardkeen one, one of Cully and Sully’s and one she made herself.
She was going to do a blind tasting to discover which one was the favourite.
I had no idea up to tonight what the result was and when the programme started I was fairly anxious.
What was I going to do if we were the third out of three!
Well tonight they showed the results of the tasting on the Quay in Waterford and I am delighted to say that Ardkeen won!


The Crios

June 19, 2007
09:52 AM

My daughter Dee wanted to get something as a present for a non Irish friend of hers so I suggested she should buy a crios.

To my amazement she hadn’t a clue what I was talking about.
A Crios is the Irish word for a belt and Crioses (Crioseanna?) were extremely fashionable in Ireland in the sixties.
They were woven multicoloured belts, a couple of inches wide, with fringed ends which one wore wrapped several times around the waist then tied roughly at the hip so that the fringed ends dangled down.
They were more or less compulsory for irish folk dancers and Gaelgoirí and not at all uncommon for them to be worn by normal members of the population, I might have even owned one myself at one time and I am sure there were several at home worn by my sisters.
I am very surprised to see that Google Images cannot come up with one single example of one, I wonder are they still being made at all.
My memory of them was that they were made on the Aran Islands and I can find references, but alas no pictures in Irish craft books.

They were attractive belts these, maybe someone should revive them.


The Triffid Casts its Spores

June 18, 2007
19:59 PM

Well, it has flowered.
But will you look at the height of it.

It is now taller than Síle

We have also discovered what it is.
It is called Verbascum Thapsus

or Common Mullein.

Takes away a lot of its mystery doesn’t it?

However thanks bro-in-law Colm for naming it.
Apparently he gave it to us last year but it only blooms every two thus the long incubation period.

In America where it was introduced from England it is regarded as a weed and irradicated ruthlessly.

Common Mullien indeed I think it is far from common,
quite majestic in fact.
I will continue to think of it as a Triffid.

Nell Flaherty’s Beautiful Cabbage

June 17, 2007
13:46 PM

“Oh, my name it is Nell, quite candid I tell,
And I lived in Clonmel, which I’ll never deny,
I had a large drake, and the truth for to speak,
My grandmother left me, and she going to die;
He was wholesome and sound; he weighed twenty pound,
And the universe ’round I would rove for his sake.
Bad luck to the robber, be he drunk or sober,
That murdered Nell Flaherty’s beautiful drake.

His neck it was green, he was rare to be seen,
He was fit for a Queen of the highest degree,
His body so white, it would give you delight,
He was fat, plump and heavy, and brisk as a bee;
My dear little fellow, his legs, they were yellow,
He would fly like a swallow, and swim like a hake.
Until some wicked savage, to grease his white cabbage,
Has murdered Nell Flaherty’s beautiful drake”

It isn’t often one gets the idea for a recipe from the words of a folk song but this one is the exception.

The last four lines of this song have been running around my head since Somerville and Ross put them into Flurry Knox’s mouth in The Irish R.M.
They give me hope that somewhere someone had the right idea about how to cook cabbage in Ireland.
I was brought up in a household where there was a notion that cabbage had to be boiled and long boiled, preferably in bacon water, until it resembled a brown green slick, before it was considered fit for eating.

In the Fifties and before in rural Ireland it was customary to “put down the cabbage” (that is start the boiling process) before one went to mass on a Sunday .

As a consequence the first time I ever tasted lightly fried cabbage cooked in butter or oil and NO water it was a delightful revelation to me.
It has a delicious light flavour of its own.

I have lost track of the amount of people, sworn brassica haters, who I have converted by tasting unboiled cabbage, cooked without reference to water.
I think it is the appalling boarding house smell of boiling cabbage which turns so many people against eating it.

I had always assumed that the cooking of cabbage by boiling was compulsory in our tradition until I examined the last two lines of this song;

“Until some wicked savage, to grease his white cabbage,
Has murdered Nell Flaherty’s beautiful drake”

There it is, the recognition that duck fat is a fitting and appropriate medium in which to cook cabbage.
Nowadays duck fat (and goose fat which will do at a pinch) is freely available in jars in supermarkets or it is a simple matter to reserve some and freeze it the next time you roast a duck.

And so with this in mind I will now share with you the recipe, the desire for which led the wicked savage to duckicide.

Nell Flaherty’s Beautiful Cabbage.

Half Head of White Cabbage
1 Tablespoon Duck Fat
4 Rashers of Streaky bacon (optional, in homage to our forefathers)
Black Pepper

Use a large saucepan or frying pan with a lid.

Shred the cabbage finely, discarding the central white core.
Chop the rashers and fry them in the duck fat until they turn crisp.
Add the shredded cabbage to the pan and stir it in the fat until it is glistening.
Turn down the heat and sweat the cabbage , with the lid on for no more than about five to ten minutes or until a piece picked from the pot still retains a little bite.
Eat on its own or with some stolen roasted duck.

Further Whines of a Grumpy Old Man (Two)

June 15, 2007
14:18 PM

I can’t stand;

People who drive along exactly on my bumper, when the slightest incident will plough them into my backside. I now slow to 10 kph , if necessary, until they are forced to pass.

People who rush out on the platform when the train halts in stations to pull frantically on cigarettes and then come back into the carriage and breathe their foul air all over me.

Pre-wrapped sandwiches in filling stations where the sandwiches sweat in their plastic wrappers and the bread comes out like soggy toilet paper.

People who buy sweets or cigarettes in shops and cast the wrapper aside as they leave the shop.

Gum chewers, and where they put it when they finish.

People who blow their horns if delayed one second at green lights.

English speakers in France who refuse to learn the language.

People who refuse to believe in global warming (yes, and the world is really flat)

People who use phrases like “At this moment in time” when they mean “Now”

The wrapping they put on cds. I can never find the opener and have to usually get out the Stanley knife (with resulting loss of blood) to open it.

The dark grey sunless wet and cheerless six month period which we in Ireland call;
“ A Mild Winter”

The notion that chefs should be trained but anybody can wait at table

People who ask me questions about food, which I answer, often with great research , and who then never bother to say thanks.

Slugs and Snails (with a passion)

Packets of Rashers that say “Open Here” and you try to, but they don’t.

Easy Sudokus where somebody has left out some of the numbers and they have become impossible (and no one ever apologises)

Dog crap on streets (I think anyone walking a dog not carrying a pooper scooper should be fined)

People who write non-fiction books who do not include an index..

That’ll do for the moment, I’m sure I’ll have some more whines shortly

1 comment.

Vive La

June 14, 2007
01:14 AM

I got a phone call from a friend yesterday instructing me to go to Vive La in Garter Lane Theatre in Waterford.
I saw it tonight.

It is brilliant, do not miss it!

Be there before the posse and see this inspiring, energetic, and enthralling production by Donal O Kelly.
It is on tour and will be at the following places in the next ten days.

Thurs 14th June Dunamaise Arts Centre Portlaoise 057 866 3355
Fri 16th- Sat 17th June Mermaid Bray 01 272 4030
Sun 17th Seamas Ennis Centre The Naul 01 802 0898
Sat 23rd June Ramor Theatre Virginia 049 854 7074

1 comment.

Two Cartoons

June 12, 2007
09:55 AM

Both pinched from this weeks New Yorker

Don’t tell Noah about the vasectomy

Landbridge Hospitality

June 12, 2007
09:08 AM

I see in today’s Independent the BBC’s Fiona Bruce is getting stick in the British press for daring to criticise the terrible standard of British food.
She correctly points that England has several excellent restaurants but that the general standard is bad.

Now don’t get me wrong.
My very best training was in a restaurant in Kent which served beautiful food cooked by an excellent chef. I stayed there for two years and loved both the food and the friendly people.
The trouble happens when you try to get food and hospitality on busy routes.

(In fairness I must also add that it probably isn’t much better here in Ireland, I just don’t have to use these facilities here.)

All through the eighties and most of the nineties when we had but one holiday per year and, as that spent inevitably in France, we went there by the cheapest route, which was the so called “land bridge” which involved one in driving through England.
Thank God this is no longer the cheapest way to go, we had so many dreadful experiences of British hospitality that now I wouldn’t take the option unless I brought my own supply of sandwiches and a tent.

We discovered pretty early on that the food in motorway cafes in the UK was , at best, inedible, and thereafter went off motorway to eat. I wish I could report that this was an improvement.

Here is a list (in no particular order) of some of our UK travel experiences.

There was the night in one of the ferry ports where there was a bell which rang continuously all night and kept us all awake. In the morning as we left bleary eyed for the ferry we found a huddled resident who had been trying to get to his room all night by ringing the “night bell”.

There was the time in a very chi chi and totally white restaurant in Hampshire where the (very young) waitress brought us the wrong wine.
When we sent it back she arrived back tearfully from the kitchen and told us that “since it has been opened you have to drink it now”. (We did)

We arrived once (fully booked)in a pub which served organic food, only to find the son of the proprietor in charge was so drunk that one of the customers had to phone his father to get him to return and take over.

In another ferry port the managers magnanimously promised us a packed breakfast as we were leaving before they served they served theirs.
They then charged us in advance for it and didn’t leave it out.

There was the time in Folkestone when the highly recommended restaurant was having a “Salsa Night” so we were fed appalling British interpretations of South American food and our table was under a candle which dripped all over my back during the meal. When I pointed this out to the proprietor he thought it hilarious and only reluctantly gave the sop of a bottle of wine when I threw a hissy fit.

The last time we travelled through the UK we reluctantly (we were out of sandwiches) had to stop in a motorway café in Wales.
As we waded our way through a totally disgusting collation of greasy and congealed food we couldn’t help noticing two charming Welsh ladies eating, with evident relish, the very same food as us at a nearby table while chatting to each other in Welsh.
As they left they said to the waitress, “That was beautiful as always, we will see you tomorrow.”
The terrible truth struck me this this pair ate, out of choice, here, every day.
I finally understood the reason why British food is so bad.
It is because they give their customers exactly what they want.

Strawberry and White Chocolate Cheesecake

June 12, 2007
05:30 AM

In 1990 I started doing my regular cookery slot in WLR, Waterford Local Radio, and have been doing this virtually every Tuesday since.
Giving out recipes on local radio , when you need to come up with two new ones every week is challenging.
Funnily it is often the times when it is obvious that you must run with something seasonal that it becomes most challenging, Christmas is often a nightmare until you realise that people just want the same recipes delivered again,like familiar carols.
The same thing happens at this time of the year when the strawberries hit the shops and the road sides.
The fact that this year, because of the judicious timing of sunshine, strawberries are the sweetest and plumpest I have ever seen them here , has made a strawberry recipe imperative for the radio.
Two other products which I have come across recently made my mind up for me.
The first was tasting Green and Blacks Organic Vanilla White Chocolate, the second was discovering Glenilen Quark.
Since my time spent in Germany in the Sixties I have known that this race are the masters of the cheese cake, particularly their Käse Sahne Kuchen, a sort of light creamy and unbaked version which I used to shamefully overindulge in when the Germans ate their best meal of the day, their version of Afternoon Tea; Kaffe und Kuchen.
Inspired by these products and memories I sat down at the computer yesterday and put together the following recipe.
I then made it.
The interesting thing is that the chocolate alone permits it to set lightly so it needs neither gelatine nor eggs and baking.

Modesty forbids me telling you how good it is.

White Chocolate and Strawberry Cheesecake
(For a 28cm tart tin-serve 6 to 8)

For the base
125g (5 oz.) wholemeal biscuits
60g (2 oz.) unsalted butter

300g (10oz.) Strawberries
1 Tablespoon Sugar
110g (4 oz.) Cream Cheese
350g (12 oz.) Quark or Framage Frais or Thick Yoghurt.
175g (6 oz.) good White Chocolate

Slice the strawberries thickly and sprinkle over the sugar.

Crumb the biscuits (in a food processor or by hand) and melt and add in the butter.
Mix these together and press in evenly into a 28cm tin.
Put this into the fridge (or freezer) to set.

Put the chocolate in a bowl over simmering water until melted or melt in a microwave at defrost.
Mash the cream cheese and then beat in the quark until you have a smooth cream.
Line the biscuit base with half the strawberries.
Beat the melted chocolate into the cheese mixture and then spoon over the base. Smooth the top with a palette knife.
Put this in the fridge for a couple of hours to set.
Before serving decorate the top with the remaining strarberries and dribble over any juice that they have made.

1 comment.

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  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef