These are the two dishes I cooked for Mary Kennedy on the Nationwide programme which went out on Wednesday March 6th.
La Tranche St Remy
(This will give you enough for 12 as a generous starter , I don’t think I would go through all the palaver for less)
You will need a baking tray which will take a piece of pastry 25cm by 35cm.
(a Swiss roll tin will do fine)
Pastry :
300 g Strong Flour
300g Cold Butter diced into little cubes
Good Pinch Salt
120ml Ice cold water.
Filling One :
500g Prawns cooked and peeled
2 Med Onions
500g Ripe Tomatoes
Handful Basil
Teaspoon sugar
Teaspoon Vinegar
Salt and pepper.
Filling Two
500g Fresh Tuna
14 Green Olives (stoned)
1 Tablespoon Capers
175 g Mayonnaise (make your own if possible )
Filling Three
400g Peeled Sliced Onions
Olive oil
12 Anchovy Fillets
12 Stoned Black olives,
First make the pastry :
(Or use 700g ready made Puff Pastry)
Put the flour and the butter in the processor and process.
Check every few seconds , the pieces of butter should still be about the size of small peas.
Now add the water and whizz briefly to amalgamate.
Tip this mixture out on a floured board and pull together to bind. Do not knead or work.
Tip this into a plastic bag and chill for a half hour in the fridge..
Take out and roll into a piece roughly 25cm by 12 cm.
Fold this into three and give it a quarter turn, .roll again into a 25 by 12 rectangle and then fold in three again and chill in a bag in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Repeat this process after 30 minutes and then leave for another 30 mts before using.
For the Tranche , roll this out to a piece 25 cm by 35 cm and bake blind (cover and weigh ) at 175 C , 350F , Gas 4 for about 20 to 30 mts until brown and crisp.
Leave this cool on a rack.
Filling One
Cook the Onion in a little olive oil in a covered pan until soft .
Add the tomatoes, sliced , and continue cooking until these melt.
Liquidise these (or push through a sieve) and season with salt, pepper, sugar and vinegar and the chopped Basil.
Put this into a pot with the prawns, bring to a simmer, take off the heat and cool in the fridge.
Filling Two
Take the tuna off the bone and skin.
Cut into little dice .
Heat some oil in a hot pan and sear the piece quickly on all sides.
Cool in the fridge.
Mix these with the halved olives (I used some stoned Spanish ones which are stuffed with anchovies) the capers and the mayonnaise.
Filling Three
Cook the sliced onions in some oil in a lidded pan on a gentle heat until very soft.
Now take off the lid and increase the heat until they go brown, do not let them burn.
Season these with salt and pepper and chill.
To assemble (about an hour before service.)
Cut the cooked pastry piece into two long strips.
Down the middle of each strip put a line of the onion.
Cross the anchovies down this line and put black olives in the spaces.
Spoon the prawn mixture on one side and the tuna mixture on the other.
Serve in slices like a custard slice .
A lotta work but very much worth while.
Slow cooked Shoulder of Lamb with Rosemary and Thyme
1 Boned shoulder of lamb in one piece
1 Tablespoon chopped fresh Rosemary
1 Tablespoon chopped fresh Thyme
1Clove of Garlic crushed or grated
Salt and Black pepper
Small jar redcurrant Jelly
Melt the Redcurrant jelly and stir in a teaspoon of each of the chopped herbs. Leave this to reset.
Spread out the boned shoulder and rub the herbs and garlic into the meat side. Tie this up with string and then wrap tightly in cling film. (Make sure it is completely sealed.)
Preheat the oven to 220C 425F Gas7
Cook the meat at this temperature for thirty minutes then reduce the heat to 130C 250F Gas ½ and cook at this temperature for a further 2 ½ hours- leaving the cling film on.
Half hour before serving take out of the oven and keep warm.
The juices contained in the cling film make an excellent gravy.
Carve and serve with the juices and the jelly on the side.