It has been a funny old time since Christmas and I have been very remiss about recording it on the blog.
As soon as the family went back to Ireland we both did a fairly dramatic collapse with what started as a flu and then developed into chest infections. We both ended up visiting our respective doctors Sile was treated with a Cortisone inhaler, me with anti-biotics, eventually . towards the end of the month we were better but, still shook when we did our first clients ( a couple from Cork). Then we skidaddled off to the south of Spain to see my sister D (who has taken to wintering there) and our friend Michael.
The warm sun and the high temperatures there did the trick and we got back here at the begining of the month feeling that we were on the mend.
Last week we had three couples from Ireland weekending with us and we were fine (they thought it warm here compared to Ireland) and the phone has been ringing booking in heat seeking refugees from Scandanavia, America and even Northern France, a new thing for us as normally we don’t see anyone before Easter.
As I have already told everyone our Nationwide piece goes out at the begining of March so we expect a bit of a deluge of enquiries after that. All in all it is building up to be a busy time.
This whole blog piece is, I suppose, by the way of being an apology for my being so irregular about blogging since the Christmas and to express the hope that, as the sun warms the fingers, I will get back into the swing of blogging once more.
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