
January in the Languedoc

January 15, 2011
08:26 AM

It is odd that we have never been here for January before, last year we stayed and shivered in Waterford while we sorted out last pieces of the Great Move.

The principal difference, and one that we certainly did not expect , is that despite the coolness of the nights the days are mild and sunny- hot really, midday usually up to 20 C.

Last Sunday we drove down through France, took dinner and overnighted in the (excellent and so very reasonable) Hotel Pyramide in Romarantin Lenthenay in the Sologne.
We left at 9 am, having removed a thick layer of frost from the car, in temperatures of -5 C.
7 hours and 600 southing kilometres later we drove into a sunny Thezan and 12 C, and that was the coldest day here this week.

That this is exceptional we realise from the little crows of delight with which the villagers greet us when out walking, exceptional maybe but after the marrow chilling weather in Dublin, really welcome.

Not only was Dublin chilly but, because we determined to see as many friends and family as we could, it was truly exhausting, therefore we have done what has we have found has become a habit of our new life, and behaved like slugs for the last week and had a holiday after our “holiday”.

(A small aside here , during the years I had the restaurant we used to head off to France for a fortnight each summer , each year I used to feel a unique spurt of pure joy and excitement when we hit the road to the ferry and the holidays were finally underway.
Last sunday en route for Rosselare this wonderful feeling- my holiday high- hit me again , the interesting thing is that we were, at this moment returning from holidays .)

The other most exciting moment so far this week is that I have finally managed to persuade the powers that be that I can no longer live without a proper Ice-Cream machine so Thursday, in Darty in Beziers, we bought (at enormous expense – I am too embarrassed to tell you -.look it up yourselves ) a Magimix Turbine a Glace– a machine which has its own freezer- and is a thing of beauty and a joy forever.

Watch this space for an orgy of Ice- Cream and Sorbet making.

Hommage à Ruadhán

January 12, 2011
16:06 PM

Just before we headed back to France last week we snuck in to get a last go off the new grandson.

Caitriona was there with her camera to record his greeting of both of us, having a short discussion about crocodiles and then just as quickly getting bored.













That Was The Year That Was 2010

January 12, 2011
08:27 AM

I do this every year, a sort of corny sum up of the past twelve months with all the highlights highlighted.

This was a great year , a really happy year , ending for us on a high of a new grandchild and an amazing Christmas straight out of a Hollywood set, but somehow this is not the highlight.

When we decided, many years ago, that we wanted to retire ultimately to France, it never struck us that we would run a chambre d’hote.

The chambre d’hote idea came from a lot of different places but chief among them was that it would be the very best way for us to maintain contact with our friends and relations in Ireland and elsewhere.

This has worked well.

Now our friends don’t have to wait to be invited but just contact us and tell us when they are coming and they troop out happily- for many of them we know that us being here has been the spark which has led to a love affair with the Languedoc.

The thing that has surprised us though is the many new friends we are making by running the business.
People we barely knew and often complete strangers arrive and live with us for a few days and depart firm friends.
A lot of this is the magic of France , it is hard to not be friendly eating dinner and sipping wine on a warm evening terrace , a lot of this also has to do, I admit to the fact that we are good at what we do – we both have been involved in the business for nearly forty years now, and compared to running a busy restaurant this business is way more relaxed, and more fun.

So this year I am awarding the highlight of the year to our new career.
To turning around our lives in our old age and loving it.

Lift your glasses folks !

1 comment.

Christmas Day

January 11, 2011
08:41 AM

And so to Christmas.

We rang Chris Keogh, our landlord, on the 23rd, and he rose beautifully to the occasion.
There was no way we could get to the cottage with the Renault but if we could get as far as The Merry Ploughboy pub he would ferry us all up to the cottage.
He warned us that once we were there we would be isolated for at least two days.

Were we game ?

You betcha !

We headed off and bought the whole Christmas in Tescos (why is Dublin now reduced to shopping there, they are everywhere and I hate them)
We then crawled skidded and slid to the Merry Ploughboy from where Chris ferried us (and our embarrassing quantity of wine and food) up the hill.
He had done a great job in getting the cottage warm and decorated and with a tree for Christmas- and there were even presents for us all under it.
By this time it was dark so we didn’t realise what a beautiful spot we were in.

The following day the rest of the family arrived at the Ploughboy : Aonghus and Caitriona with Fionn and Ruadhán, Colm with Deirdre, Eileen and the Goose and all were ferried up the hill by the ever obliging Chris.

Here follows pictures of the day- I apologise if it looks a little a Bing Crosby Chrismas Special from the sixties- fact is it just did !

Snow Fields.jpg

This was the first thing that met our eyes on Christmas morning, the view out the door of the cottage.


This was our cottage, note that one of the drainpipes had already collapsed with the weight of snow and icicles.


Eileen and Deirdre showed a touching faith in Santa Clause on Christmas morning.


When Icicles hang on the wall and Dick the shepherd blows his nail.


The local wild life were curious and strangely unafraid.

Family Butler.jpg

The now extended Butler family, including the 12 day old Ruadhán


Fionn on his toboggan, what a way to spend Christmas !


Even Ruadhán nearly managed a smile.

Snow Sisters.jpg

Snow Sisters.

Soft Grandfather.jpg

Happiness is a soft warm grandfather.


Christmas Dinner.

Fionn Dinner.jpg

On balance, Fionn decided that Christmas was a Good Thing.

Back Home

January 10, 2011
17:16 PM

Back in Thezan after a frantic runaround for Christmas.
You will be hearing all soon.

Joyeux Noël à Tous

December 20, 2010
08:58 AM

Happy Christmas

Nedeleg laouen na bloavezh mat

Bon Nadal i un Bon Any Nou!

Froehliche Weihnachten

Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!

Buone Natale

Pulit nadal e bona annado

Nollaig Shona


Restaurant Service

December 19, 2010
16:50 PM


” They only want the starter”

1 comment.

Can spring be far behind ?

December 18, 2010
14:50 PM

If Winter.jpg

(Síle picked these yesterday in our garden in Thezan.)

La Bouffe

December 17, 2010
16:54 PM

This is the casual French word for food, I suppose grub would be a fair translation but the French use bouffe far more often than we say grub- mainly I guess because they are fairly obsessed with the whole notion of eating.

Today Madame from the garage came to collect me as soon as my car was finished having some minor surgery.
In reply to her question about business I told her we had had nine for dinner last night.
“Oo la la” said Madame, “and what did you give them to eat ?”

There follow a long involved description of the meal, how exactly it was cooked, what was served with what etc etc.

I must say that for me it is the greatest conversation maker that the whole of France – and me- are happy to talk obsessively about La Bouffe


Christmas in the Fifties

December 17, 2010
11:35 AM

I first put up this piece before Christmas in 2005 so I thought it might be time it got a second outing;

My brothers and sisters and I in the early fifties
Deirdre George Valerie David Fifi Teddy and Martin

We always went to Lotaville for lunch on Christmas day.
Lotaville was my fathers family home, a stately Victorian Villa in Glanmire, overlooking the river Lee about 3 miles outside Cork city.
It was what they call a “Gentleman’s Residence”, in about two or three acres of gardens, including a disused tennis court and large greenhouses where we were allowed pick the delicious black grapes in September.
The house itself was quite large but without a lot of bedrooms, probably about four or five , but these were huge.
It also had a tower built in on one side, a piece of Victorian/Gothic whimsy which could only be scaled inside by a series of ladders, and which the boys were allowed climb after lunch on Christmas day.

The tower at Lotaville

The inhabitants of the house were an odd lot to my young eyes too.
The head of the house (we would always have described a trip there as going to Granny Dwyers) was my Granny.
She was small and round and, as far as I was concerned, permanently cross.
My elder sister remembers someone quite different, someone warm who spoiled her, but, by the time I got to know her life had squeezed most of the joy from her, and, as the seventh child, the best emotion I could expect from her was tolerance.
My grandfather we called Dubs, he and Granny lived totally different lives within this house. Their marriage was endured not enjoyed, it was a type of early Irish divorce.
As well as having his own bedroom, Dubs had his own drawing room, a large brown masculine room with large windows overlooking the river.
This he shared with various small dogs of whom he was very fond.
He was also fond of his grandchildren and I remember always feeling welcome when I entered his room.
Granny’s Drawing room was at the end of the corridor but also looked over the river. In contrast with Dubs room it was feminine and chintzy with carpet and curtains in pale greens and pinks.
Granny shared this room with two other members of the household. Auntie Gill and Auntie Kat.
Auntie Gill was my father’s only sibling and 18 years his junior.
She was at this stage in her mid twenties, unmarried and, even to my eyes strangely old fashioned. I would also have rated her as cross and could see that she was interested only in the older children.
Auntie Kat on the other hand was kindness itself, it was obvious that like the younger children she was tolerated rather than loved and as such there was an unspoken bond between us.
She was a classic maiden Aunt, my Granny’s unmarried sister and she was shared between Granny’s household and that of her younger sister in a farm in Mitchelstown. It was always obvious to me, from the way she used to talk about the farm and the family there, that that was her favoured billet and she enjoyed her stays in Lotaville as little as Granny and Auntie Gill did.
Auntie Kat smoked “like a chimney”, she always had a Woodbine in the corner of her mouth and her cloud of white hair had permanent brown nicotine stain in that place where the smoke ascended.
The other member of the household, and to me much the most interesting was Lena.
Lena was the cook and her kingdom was in the large, dark basement kitchen.
Lena was an old retainer and as I remember her quite lame, she got about with some difficulty using a stick.
This did not stop her doing all the cooking and ruling over the girls who had been brought in for serving on Christmas day with an iron hand.
She was a kindly lady though and would tolerate us children “under her feet” for short periods.
These visits to the kitchen would have to be organised with some skill as it was strictly forbidden to go “annoying Lena” before lunch on Christmas day.
Despite all embargos I can still remember being put by her up on a chair in the kitchen to better see her making the bread sauce for the turkey.
I still have a memory of the delicious smell of the milk infusing with an onion studded with cloves, as Lena grated stale bread with which to thicken the sauce.
The lunch itself was not my favourite part of the day.
For all Lena’s kindness the food was much better at home.
The younger children were put at a small side table and, under orders to behave well, fed apart from the adults.
I can remember a certain amount of jollity at the large table, I can remember the surprise I felt when granny allowed a paper hat from a cracker to be put on her head.
I presume that Dubs would also have broken out of his part of the house and joined us for lunch, even though I have no memory of him being there.

I would hate anyone to think that Christmas day was not a happy day for me.
It was in fact a day full of magic, the lunch in Granny’s being just a formal and perfectly acceptable hiatus in the middle of a joyous day.

Santa Claus, and his stocking were a great source of joy when my eyes first opened on Christmas morning.
I would have lain for hours in the bed, too excited to sleep and knowing that “He” wouldn’t come until I did.
The morning stocking was always filled with cheap toys and sweets and always had a silver wrapped tangerine at the toe.
Unlike other households Santa didn’t provide the main Christmas presents for us.
This was reserved for the “Christmas Tree”
“The Tree” as we called this time was, without doubt the highlight of Christmas day.
After morning mass, for those who were reckoned too young to be allowed up for midnight mass, we had breakfast in the breakfast room which was next to the billiard room.
The billiard room was the biggest room in the house, large enough for a billiard table but as yet not holding one.
There was no decorating done to this room until after the younger children had gone to bed on Christmas eve.
Then it was transformed.
There was a large amount of ceremony attached to “The Tree”
We all had to line up in age at the door to the billiard room.
This was the one time of the year when the youngest took precedence.
Then once we got into the room itself we had to join hands and dance around the tree singing “Here we go round the mulberry bush”
This does sound just a little twee in 2005 but I promise you that in the fifties there was no embarrassment whatsoever.
The tree was put in the middle of the room, decorated with lights and the shiny glass balls which rested for the rest of the year in the attic in boxes.
But it was what was under the tree was what made the magic of this moment.
Here were piled all our presents.
This was what “The Tree” was all about.
Again tradition dictated that you were not allowed pick or open one of your own presents. Anything with “To Martin” on it, no matter how tempting, had to be passed by and one picked out one for George or Valerie.
Eventually you ended up with a sizeable pile of presents in the corner and then there was the excitement of unwrapping and glorying in your new found wealth.
I never remember being disappointed.

Then it was off to Granny’s for lunch.

When we came back from Granny’s we would find the Billiard room again completely transformed this time for Christmas Dinner.
The tree would be re-erected in the bow window in the corner and the floor covered with trestle tables covered with white linen.
To my childish eyes it seemed that these tables were set for hundreds of people but I now suppose that it couldn’t have been more than forty or so.
These would have been members of my mothers large family, and my mother and fathers equally large circle of friends.
There would be various extra staff recruited for the night so, for us children it was difficult to decide where the most fun was going on, in the billiard room or in the kitchen.
In direct contrast to the staid and old fashioned lunch the dinner was a bit of a bacchanalia.
I can remember that we were allowed smoke, yes us 8 to 10 year olds were allowed to puff away!
I can also remember that much drink was consumed by my various uncles.
I have a distinct memory of someone’s paper hat being ignited and then the flames quenched by another uncle with a soda water siphon.
In the meantime there would have also been much hilarity and drink consumed in the kitchen, I can remember a steady stream of uncles and aunts arriving in with bottles to make sure that the “staff” were able to celebrate as well.

Stephens day was “The Wran” and we would be allowed dress up in rags and sing outside our neighbours houses, passing others up to the same tricks on the way.

“The Wran the Wran
The king of all Birds
St Stephens day
Was caught in the furze
Up with the kettle
And down with the pot
Give us our answer and let us begone”

“Knock at the knocker ring at the bell,
Give us a copper for singing so well”

“God bless the mistress of this house
A golden chain around her neck
And be she sick or be she sore
The lord have mercy all the more”

And we would be given lots of coppers and this money, unlike the money we would have collected for carol singing the week before, was for ourselves and so, once we were finished we would divide the spoils and head off to Mr. Sullivan’s shop on the Lower Road for a gorge of sweets.

As you can see it was easy enough to put up with lunch in Lotaville knowing what other treats Christmas had in store for us.

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1 96 97 98 99 100 252
  Martin Dwyer
Consultant Chef